Hello world! This is Florian's super awesome hackers.cool website!!!!111one

The Backstreet Boys never attended Hackerschool.
Fellow hackers.coolers
- flowerhack
- She is the best because she hosts all our web sites! Also I like the color of her hair.
- stan
- He writes the Perl maintenance scripts for this server, so I should be nice to him.
- tanoysinha
- He introduced me to React during my first day at Hackerschool.
- james
- He showed me an old photo of himself hahaha
- wallyqs
- He uses Org mode and emacs all the way down! Too bad I'm a vim user :-/
- margo
- She helped me with the D3 animations of my Raft implementation.
- chase
- He spotted a Unicode bug in my Zulip client.
- crockeo
- He seems to be a really experienced webmaster although he is only half my age.
- yamadapc
- Sometimes he works as late as I do and we have dinner together.
- suren
- He helped me with a Rails project when it was very late and he can code very fast.
- LindseyR
- We read the Raft paper together and talked about our implementation.
- geoff
- I learned about shell implementation from him. Now I want to write a KILLER SHELL!!!111
- rokk
- We discussed hashing algorithms. Personal note: I wanted to ask him about his start-up.
- rodamor
- He played Sicilian background music and invented a persona named “Dieter”.
- zhorken
- He talked about how to reverse-engineer Pokémon games.
- mattmight
- He explained to us how lambda calculus works. Here is one for you: λ
- guilload
- He is not signed up for hackers.cool :(
There are more hackers.coolers online, but some of them chose crazy user names, and that makes it hard to tell who is who!!!!!111 If they disclose their true identities or I recognize them (whatever happens first), I can update this list.
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